Now I'm quite good at doing my nails in the car. I've managed a full set of Broadway's more than once (with someone else driving) and have painted my nails on the way to meetings while stuck in traffic. Now I know that's probably a worse crime than talking on your mobile phone, but honest injun it was only while stuck in gridlock.
So, on the way to WordCamp on Saturday morning when I realised that I hadn't done my nails I wasn't too bothered. Sure I'll do them in the car I thought. And I had a pale colour (the new pastel blue shade that Nailgirls had sent me and I was deeply in love with.)
But look what happened! Look at it. I painted my hands. I painted my tights. I got some on my bag. We took this picture when we were having coffee in Langtons before our bit and despite my utter shame I knew I had to show it to yis to give you a good laugh. Actually from a distance it looked ok.
But up close - well you can see the horror.
I told you about another Blind Man's Manicure I did recently - at least that time I could blame Don Draper. This time I blame the zooming down the motorway, the crash that we had to swerve to avoid and general er crapness at putting on nail varnish.
Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. WordCamp was brill by the way. Rosemary interviewed us most knowledgeably and professionally, the venue was super and everyone who came to see us was lovely - thanks to Sabrina for asking us. We were only sorry that we couldn't stay longer and go to some of the talks. We will next year.