A study by the International Journal of Cosmetic Science found that almost 80% of used mascaras tested contained the Staph bacteria. The women whose mascaras were tested also said they regularly kept mascara on the go for over three months.
Apparently the moist, dark conditions of the tunnel in which the mascara wand is pumped in and out of (sorry, I'm really laughing as I write this as it sounds so smut laden,but honestly there was simply NO other way to phrase it) are a perfect breeding ground for germs.
Open pores (where the eyelashes grow from) plus glands and tear ducts make eyes especially vulnerable to infection. Mascara older than three months is probably incubating bacteria that might cause inflammatory conditions - pinkeye, conjunctivitis, the works.
As I read this I was instantly overcome with horror. Three months! Sure that's nothing. I could easily have half a dozen (or a dozen) open mascaras on the go at any one time and the only time they hit the bin is when I get sick of them or they dry up.
And I know people often put their gunky mascaras on radiators or into the hot press "to make them go further". So this is definitely disgusting and something none of us should be doing.
Sharing mascara with a friend is also gick and you should never do it. I remember years ago using a friends mascara and waking up for weeks with my eyes glued shut with conjunctivitis - not nice.
The news is worse for contact lens wearers as you might also be transmitting the fungus which grow on your lenses. To cut down on this possibility never apply your mascara before putting in your contacts. It's doubtful whether you would do this anyway because lets face it you wouldn't be able to see what you're doing properly - but correct me if I'm wrong.
You can read more mascara musings in my Irish Times Beauty Call column today.
SO. Confession time. Are you guilty of crimes against mascara?