My on/off, love/hate relationship with all things Benefit is well documented. So when I saw Aphrodite's post last month about their new Posietint cheek stain, I thought "oooh, purty" but didn't exactly leg it to my nearest Benefit counter to pick up a bottle. I've never been able to get the hang of their Benetint stuff, it's too water-y and dries too quickly on me to be really blendable. And just makes me look permanently flustered and embarassed rather than nicely flushed if I do manage to somehow get it on properly.
Not a good look.
Anyways, I was going out one night during the week and stopped in to Mam & Dad's en route to touch-up my make-up for a daughterly visit. As I was about to head off again, my sister (who has been looking particularly, well, pretty of late) thrust a bottle of Posietint at me.
"You should really try this" sez she. And, of course, I did - well, it would have been rude not to. It looks a slightly scarily bright opaque pink in the bottle but goes on prettily sheer. No shimmer or sparkle make Posietint ideal for daytime wear, and it's more gel-ish in texture than Benetint, which makes blending far less laborious. For foolproof application, don't slap it straight onto cheeks - instead, pop Posietint onto the pads of your fingers and then blend onto cheeks using circular motions. I was actually a little bit shocked at how gorgeous it looked.
"God, that's much better," the sis confided, "very pretty. You looked a bit sick earlier."
Cheeky mare!
"Here, bring some with you."
Totally redeemed.
Posietint is $28 direct from Benefit's website