"Why hello there", says I to myself when I opened the package from Benefit, "what's all this then?" This, ladies, is a new kit from the brand due out in October. It's called Her Name Was Glowla, and it'll cost us €39.50 of our Eurofunds.
And I think it might just be the best one they've ever done. Benefit's kits can be hit and miss - some are great like Realness of Concealness and Big Beautiful Eyes and some you just wonder why you'd be bothered shelling out, especially if you already own a few key products from the brand. This I like, because barring foundation, it's pretty much got everything you need for a full face.
So I took lots and lots of pix to show you precisely what I mean.
Designed to be all things luminising, shimmering and skin-flattering, we've got a mini Coralista, weeny High Beam and Moonbeam highlighters, BadGal Lash mascara, Life on the A List gloss and a five eyeshadow pan plus brush. It all comes in a sturdy case about 5" by 5" and there's a little booklet included too, to help you get the most out of the products.
Want a closer look at some of the goodies inside?
Your wish etc: shades are shimmery but not blingy and come in Passion Pearl, Peachy Sheen, Terracotta Satin, Steamy Copper and Deep Bronze.
Here's a close-up of the wee Moonbeam
And here's another of the gloss and mascara.
Like all Benefit launches, this is overpriced for this market - the sterling charge is a much easier to swallow £29.50. You can also buy online via the brand's US site* where Her Name is Glowla will cost $36. That works out at about €26.40 but you'll also pay for shipping and could be nabbed for customs, so weigh it up before you commit.
*Indicates an affiliate. This means that every time you click through and choose to buy we will get a tiny percentage of that sale (usually between 2% – 5%). So if you like Beaut.ie and want to support us and help us pay our bills, we really appreciate it when you click our links.