Looking back, our mothers were actually quite wise when it came to beauty advice, but when we were growing up for some reason we thought we knew what we were doing. As it's coming up to Mother's Day we thought it was about time to admit that she was right all along - but we're the ones who are paying for it.
Don't bite your nails.
Mothers were constantly at us about the state of our nails, and to be fair, still are. But they have a point, putting a little effort into a basic nail routine one or twice a week keeps them maintained and stops those desperate trips to the salon for a manicure when they resemble claws.
Moisturise your face and neck everyday.
It's never too early to start looking after your face, but sometimes life gets in the way. Mothers think about your skin thirty years from now and they are absolutely right to.
Don't overpluck your eyebrows.
The noughties were a tough era for eyebrows, and there are few that have come out of it unscathed, if only we'd listened to our mother when she screamed at us everytime we picked up the tweezers.
Never go to bed with make up on.
It seemed harmless when we were teens but our mothers definitely had a point, this bad habit is so bad for your skin. But to be honest, after a few glasses of wine it's hard to remember the importance of this rule.
Your natural hair is beautiful.
Straightening, curling, crimping, we have frazzled our hair nearly everyday to keep it looking good. But we can't always see what our mother sees - leaving it natural gives your hair time to repair and actually looks lovely.
Wear sun cream.
Every mother ever spends half of her beach holiday chasing her children with a bottle of sun cream. We seriously wished we had listened to her when we were teenagers, burning our faces in the quest for a tan. It's only when you get older you appreciate why your mother went on about SPF so much and how sun damage can't be reversed.
That blue eyeshadow doesn't look good on you.
You can only appreciate a mother's brutal honesty when you look back at the photos a year later. Yes, she was right, yes it hurts to admit it.
Don't pick your spots.
We're all guilty of a good pick every now and then, but when that acne was giving us grief in school we wished we'd listened to our mothers. Acne scars can be so hard to cover up and act as a constant reminder of what we used to look like - *shudder.
School isn't a fashion show.
When you're there it feels like the most important thing about school is how you look, not that we wished we'd spent more time studying, but a bit more of a carefree attitude would have saved us a lot of time in front of bathroom mirror.
Don't shave above the knee.
Shaving every inch of our legs was SO important, but after a while you realise most of us don't need to shave above the knee at all, but it's so hard to stop once you've started!