We have jar upon tube upon bottle of lotions and potions in our beauty arsenal. We have special eye creams, targeted spot serums, moisturisers for the dry parts of our face and moisturisers for the oily section. We love trying something new and we're delighted when we find something that works - every woman does - but we also know that despite our overflowing beauty cupboard beauty comes from the inside.
There are simple steps to take to ensure that you stay healthy and look your best. A genuine radiant glow can be enhanced a special cream but it starts by taking the right things.
The top three things we should take for radiance from within are:
- Water
It's obvious but it's so important. A drink of water instantly makes you feel better. It really does! Think about when you are in a less than chipper mood. Sure, something might be on your mind but a lack of water in your system doesn't help. When you are dehydrated you can feel irritable and tired and a drink of water is the cure.
Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day keeps your body going. When your skin is hydrated it looks plumper and lines and wrinkles are not as pronounced. Water boosts the immune system, flushes out toxins and generally helps to keep your skin in top condition.
- Fruit and Veg
Yes, it's another obvious one but so many of us are still not eating enough fruit and vegetables. Having chips with your burger simply does not cut it! Luckily, there are plenty of really delicious foods that are great for your skin.
Strawberries are little wonders for example. They have more Vitamin C than oranges and Vitamin C is key to skincare due to its role in collagen production. Another brilliant fruit is the pomegranate which is full of anti-oxidants - more than in green tea! As far as vegetables go, beetroot is a real cleansing gem containing vitamins A and E, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
- Udo's Oil
Containing good fats Omega 3 and 6, which the body cannot make but it needs, Udo's Oil is essentially an internal moisturiser. Omega 3 and 6 allow skin cell membranes to hold onto water and Omega 3's anti-inflammatory properties help prevent pesky breakouts.
Hair and nail cells benefit too; hair gains a new lustre, and nails become flexible and strong.
The organic skin loving ingredients in Udo’s Oil include flax seed oil, sunflower seed oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, evening primrose oil, soy lecithin plus rice brand and oat bran germ oils.
It's easy to include Udo's Oil into your skincare routine. Enjoy Udo’s Oil straight off the spoon or add it to protein shakes, smoothies, salad dressings, casseroles, porridge, pasta, mashed or baked potatoes - the combinations are endless.
Aside from your creams and serums and gels (oh my!) how do you keep your skin looking its best?
Udo’s Oil is available in Health Stores, Pharmacies and online at www.udoschoice.ie. What's more, there’s a free beauty/recipe booklet with every 500ml bottle!