We came, we saw, we tanned. We drank champagne, we picked up pro tips - and some of us even got tan tattoos. Yep, Lynnie now has two lovely 'M's on each shoulder. Who knows - maybe it's a look that will take off?
Beaut.ie had a fab time yesterday at the launch of ModelCo self tan yesterday and came away v impressed indeed. The ModelCo range is huge. Exfoliating scrubs, exfoliating wipes (we particularly liked this one); a tan remover that doesn't stink; moisturisers and shimmers. And of course the tans. Take your pick from the spray Tan in a Can; Body Meringue Mousse and the Self Tanning Glove and the Instant Bronze Airbrush.
Two of us stepped into the little pink tent (really!) put on shower caps and pink towels and were bronzed on the spot. The little pink pop up tent would have been good at a festival if you could sleep standing up. And do you know there have been stranger sights at festivals... The tans were fab - glowing and natural. The colour is not orange in the slightest I am very relieved to tell you.
We picked up great tanning advice from the gorgeous and knowledgeable Tracy and Jessica (she of eyelash primer fame). Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate before your tan application. And do it on dry skin as it will be much more effective. When using spray tan, spray onto a tanning mitt before applying to your skin - this will save you from accidentally bronzing the bathroom (thus avoiding the dirty protest look on the walls). And keep it moving when you're blending in spray tan to get the most even colour. You can use ModelCo tan on your body and face - the same product will do you from top to toe.
Excellente. We liked this very much indeed. Afterwards we repaired to a local hostelry for wines, gossip and to examine the contents of our goody bags in detail.
Now hands up. Who did their tan the minute they got home? I did!
UPDATE: ModelCo Promo at Clerys starts today: get gorgeous beachbag free with purchase!