I love James Brown for three reasons. London-tastic - as Kate Moss's bessie mate and chief fringe-cutter he's a bona fide A-Lister, but he's really down to earth with it - he'll happily gass away about all and everything. From a big Irish family, James has a major gra for our Emerald Isle, and he even has a house over in Galway where he spends as much time as he humanly can. And the third reason? It's his fantastic, affordable line of haircare and styling products, James Brown London, available exclusively in Boots stores.
When we meet, he's just back from lunch with X Factor judge and all round boyband whizz, Louis Walsh. Fancy! As we settle in to chat, I decide to ask him about party season hair. We skirt around the obligatory Cheryl Cole hair of enormity - for the record, I am a huuuge fan of CC's Supremes-tastic barnet, and James confirms that she's got a lot of extensions in there, in addition to mucho hairspray and a good dose of backcombing, too.
New products that are perfect for the party season include a shine and fragrance mist, €8.95, great for masking smokey smells, and a high gloss serum spray, €8.95, ideal for getting a high-shine finish. His existing dry shampoo, €8.95, is also brilliant for this time of year - it can give clean hair a key for styling or be used to get an extra day out of a wash. And in addition to developing great, affordable haircare, James is also a stylist par excellence.
"So", I ask, getting down to business, "what would a gal do if she'd pulled at the office party, went home with the mail room boy and had to go back into work the next morning, with absolutely no hair products to save her?" Grinning wickedly, he told me,"oh, that's easy. Pretend you were going for the bed-head look by teasing your hair using his toothbrush, and brave the office as if nothing's amiss". Genius. Dirty stop-outs the nation over, your salvation is here.
James Brown London is available at Boots stores nationwide, including Shop Street, Galway, Grafton Street, Dublin, Liffey Valley and a ton more besides. Check the Boots location map for a store near you.