In what is hilariously being called the Beaut.ie Roadshow we're coming to a city near you!* The Guide to Gorgeous has given us a fantastic reason to get our asses in gear and alight in an Easons near you.
Our Dublin launch was brilliant and it was absolutely fab to meet so many of you. We hope that LOADS of you will come to see us in Cork and Galway - and to make things even better we have fantabulous goodie bags for the first 50 to get their book signed in each location. Absolutely bursting with delights they are.
Get out those diaries. These are the dates and places:
CORK: Sat Nov 7th: Easons Cork 1pm
GALWAY: Sunday Nov 29th: Easons Galway 2.30pm
*Limerick: you're not escaping us! We'll announce the date as soon as it's confirmed