Aphrodite's recent Irish Times feature got me a-thinking about all the talented, funny and downright readable women bloggers that I read all the time. So in homage to the lady-bloggers of our fair isle, we've decided to ask a few of them a question or five about their beauty routines. We knew they'd have a few gems to share - and we weren't wrong.
First up is English Mum in Ireland, a transplanted 30-something UK lass who moved to Co. Cavan a couple of years ago with husband and kids. While it can't have been an easy transition for her to make, her blog has always shone with positivity regarding her new surroundings, as well as a lot of wit and humour. And she loves products, so she was the ideal person to kick off this new series. Take it away, English Mum!
What age were you when you first started getting into products? What sparked it?
"My Disreputable Dad is a perfumer and I've been surrounded by gorgeous scents and beautiful packaging since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I remember wafting around in Guerlain's Mitsouko at junior school, oddly enough. He bought loads of testers and new products home as well, so I started experimenting with make-up quite early too".
Let us in on your daily routine - are you a full-on cleanse, tone and moisturise gal, or does a lick of a face-wipe and some Nivea suffice?
"Ooh yes, I'm a slave to the bathroom mirror in the morning. I cleanse with Dr Nick Lowe's Purifying Foaming Cleanser, then pat my face dry and add Simple's Line Reducing Serum (better than Protect & Perfect in my opinion), then I use Dr Nick Lowe's Oil Control Day Cream on my face, Boots Time Delay Wrinkle Reduce Eye Cream, which is slightly iridescent and really flattering, and Dove's brilliant ProAge Neck and Chest Beauty Serum on my neck and chest. A couple of times a week I use MD Formulations Face & Body Scrub. I do it all again at night, then use Dr Nick Lowe's Brightening Radiance Cream to reduce my freckles!"
What can't you live without makeup-wise? What have you bought over and over again?
"Cream blush. It wakes up your whole face. Chanel used to do a gel blush stick but it's been discontinued. No 7 Blush Tint is a good alternative. And I think Estée Lauder's Double Wear Light SPF10 is the best foundation money can buy."
In any woman's quest for cosmetic nirvana, she comes across a turkey or ten. What products have you hated?
"I hate to even admit this but Lancome Juicy Tubes. I love the smell and the taste but they're far too gluey and sticky. I much prefer Rimmel Sweet Jelly glosses. And Smashbox Photo Finish just made my make-up slide off even faster. I've still got a full one if anyone wants it!"
Is there anything you can't get here that you could get in the UK, and which you really miss?
"I miss Boots.com so much - a whole Boots store at your fingertips! And Champney's brilliant product range too: really effective products, beautiful packaging and decent prices. Their Overnight Sensation Hand Care Treatment is the best I've ever tried"
Lastly, what's your one big beauty tip?
"Don't sleep on your side! Seriously, if you wake up with creases on your face and chest, it's only a matter of time before they turn permanent, and crinkly chests are really ageing."
Next up: the Toyboy-lovin' Grannymar!