It would be nice if all our beauty mishaps happened within the confines of our own bathrooms, handily hidden from public view, but often the world and its granny are treated to FROW seats for those faux pas.
Or foxes paws, indeed.
I vividly remember receiving an arch backhanded compliment from a friend on a night out the summer after our Leaving Cert. Simultaneously slagging off an early (i.e. completely cack-handed) attempt at contouring and my bone structure, she wondered what I had on my face and then said "I never even knew you had cheekbones!"
We're no longer in touch, would you believe.
Still, despite the poorly non-blended shading and apparent lack of bones in my face, I managed to pull the then object of my affection that night. And sure let's just say he was plenty chiselled for the both of us and leave it at that, wha'?
I also once had a beauty mishap slap bang in the middle of duty-free in the airport many, many moons ago, when I thought I was testing a lovely new sheer lipgloss from Chanel.
I was actually applying a liberal slick of their Le Vernis Lumiere nail polish, which came in tall, slender, lipgloss-alike bottles complete with long lipgloss-alike lids. The worst bit was that I didn't cop what I had done until it started to dry on my lips. Aieee.
Please, please tell me you've had some memorable beauty blunders of your own!