On Saturday we rocked up to Eason, Patrick St, Cork, for the Real Capital signing of the new Beaut.ie Book, Gorgeous to Go. And yay! The Cork lasses were queuing up, ready and waiting for Aisling to sign their book, for me to snap them - all looking utterly fantastic it must be said - and for Chris from publishers Gill & MacMillan to furnish them with a goody bag.
Chris displaying excellent bag-handling skills
I also exercised my consummate shaky camera skillz (next out of the bag from me, a mash-up of Cloverfield-meets-Blair Witch Project done Beaut.ie style. Expect lots of Randy Marsh-esque voice overs a la "I'm sooooo stooorrrtled ... oh that's a nice lipstick") and made a very quick little clip of some of the action which you can see above. We've another clip coming later this week.
But what you mostly want to see is if your pic made the blog, doncha? Here you go! Before we get to that (and if it didn't it's only because of closed eyes or out-of-focusness), we'd like to extend a sincere thanks to all of you who came on Saturday. You were a pleasure to chat to and we loved meeting you. Thank you for supporting us. Big props to Eason and all the staff who were so fantastic as well as the fab Chris who spent what must have been an 'unusual' Saturday for him. Again, thanks must go to Nivea and Essence who gave the goody bag products. We hope you enjoy them!
Last order of business: if you missed the event but would like a signed copy, we ordered Aisling to stay in-store until she had signed every copy they had (hundreds) so the hand was broken off her. An autographed edition shall be yours should you so desire!
Now - on to the pictures!
The goody bags!
This girl came along with her little boy who loved the Beaut.ie she Wrote video we made. We'd love to say a big hello to him on the blog!
The obigatory nail shots - a Beaut.ie event always shows up some awesome talons.