If you have dry skin then this product trial is for you!
AVEENO® Daily Moisturising Lotion contains finely-milled oats and moisturising emollients. Clinical trials show it starts working from day one and gives amazing results in just two weeks. It's fragrance free and absorbs quickly for soft, healthy-feeling skin.
In fact all AVEENO® body products contain finely-milled oatmeal and with over 50 years of clinical evidence supporting the skincare benefits of this ingredient, you can be confident that it will help to actively moisturise and hydrate your dry skin.
A great, light moisturiser like AVEENO® Daily Moisturising Lotion is an absolute must. Apply post shower to help lock in more moisture and if you suffer from very dry or sensitive skin don’t be afraid to lash it on, especially in those scaly areas like elbows and knees.
Want to try it and give us your feedback? Course you do! We are looking for 100 women to trial this product. If you have dry or very dry skin, fill out the survey and we'll be in touch if your application is successful!