Monday means one thing for me, and that thing is getting back to all your ask beauty dilemmas and concerns.
This week we talk about mascara, and how to stop it ending up under your eyes.
Sam asks:
"Hi Aisling, I seem to have a problem with mascara not staying on my eye lashes. No matter what brand I use it always ends up under my eyes and gives me really bad dark circles."
Hi Sam,
Worry not for there are a couple of things you can do. The first is use a waterproof mascara, this will stop fall out from happening. However, waterproof mascara just doesn't have the same quality when it comes to mascara so I often prefer to add a top coat to the lashes. That way you can still use your favorite mascara to get the desires effect you want only the clear gel makes it waterproof and sweat proof so you have no panda eye worries.
Anastasia Beverly Hills €12
Clarins Double Fix Mascara Top Coat €22
Either one works a treat to stop your makeup melting under your eyes.
Hope that helps!
Ais x