Yeah yeah yeah don't worry, I know he's gay and it's a total waste of my time to lust after the perfectly-groomed specimen that is Tom Ford (so I don't), but by God do I adore his perfume. Oh, and his sunglasses. Boy, but they are good.
I was a surprise convert to White Patchouli when it launched last year and I really do still love it. It's a night-time scent for me though, being too strong for day, and I regularly spritz it on for all those glamorous events I attend such as trips to the pub, etc.
New to the collection are a couple of slim 6ml roller-ball perfumes which are super handbag-friendly, and in fact on a recent - and restrictive - Ryanair flight, this was the only perfume I took to try to cut down on the weight of my luggage. I also only packed three pairs of shoes and felt very bloody hard done by, I can tell you.
Anyway! Back to the point at hand - White Patchouli and Black Orchid now come in this slimline Touch Point packaging and they cost €45 a pop, making them a lovely, luxe stocking filler.