Like, look. I know.
I'm the last person who should need to be buying any more makeup, ever, given the amount of it that gets sent to me for the purposes of the blog and the various print writing I do. But the thing is, I write about beauty because I love it, and most particularly makeup. And so it is that when I am in an airport, I find that my spidey senses tingle more than usual, and I find it really, really, really bloody hard to resist a sneaky purchase.
Case in point, I was in London over the weekend. En route through T2 in Dublin, I felt it would be rude to ignore the Bobbi Brown stand. Really ignorant of me, in fact. Mr Jefferson in South Park ignorant. And as I hadn't tried the Rich Lip Colours, sure I really felt I better ought. For research purposes, like. So I got one in Guava, for the princely sum of about €18 and change tax-free. A snip! (These are €22.50 downtown, by the way).
On the way back through Heathrow yesterday, I'd liberally basted myself in enough Chanel Illusion d'Ombre in Illusoire to sink a ship so I took a wander past the Chanel counter past security and accidentally on purpose wandered back with Mirifique, the super sparkly statement black, in my eager paws. It and the olive green, Epatant, have been calling me, calling me, and for £18.95STG (as opposed to €28) I was happy enough to hand over my two remaining tenners. This is gorgeous.
Yep, I did not need either of these products. But I'm damn sure glad I got 'em! What about you - can you resist the lure of the reduced prices at the airport or are you like me and a total sucker? Do you plan purchases or impulse buy? Tell us your most recent fly-buy spends in a comment.