Do you ever know how you’re going to feel about a product (or a person) by just looking at it? That is exactly what happened to me recently with Aero Minerale (€14.99).
Sense offended: Sight
This product made a terrible first impression on me. It’s packaged in a sparkly pink canister with a shiny pink cap that doesn’t fit. It’s an oil free long-wearing ‘aerobrush’ foundation containing minerals, which all sound like good things. So I was genuinely willing to look past the packaging if the product performed.
Aero Minerale foundation was used on all the vampires in the ‘Twilight’ series and that's what it's using as its big selling point. Although that’s not a look I’d generally be after, it can't be all bad if they used 1000 cans of the stuff on an entire movie franchise, surely? Or so I hoped.
Sense offended: hearing
The instructions, which are contained in the ill-fitting cap (I know, let it go) told me to shake the can and then spray the product 10 inches from my face. I dutifully shook, and hearing that widget knocking around inside the can made me feel like I was about to graffiti some poor old dear's wall. I sprayed and immediately covered everything within a one meter radius with dots of foundation. My face, my hair, my clothes and the wall behind me were all mottled in ‘Bare’. (Which, in fairness, was a good shade for my skin.)
Senses offended: smell AND taste
The smell was foundation-y but also a bit stale. Plus I accidentally breathed some of the product in (either during the application, or my subsequent laughter), so I could TASTE it in the back of my throat! Bleugh!
Sense offended: touch
By the time I’d finished laughing at my reflection, the product had thoroughly settled in, leaving my skin sticky, with a speckled appearance. I gave blending it a go but it was really too late to get even coverage.
Not to be deterred and in the interests of fairness I cleansed and attempted a second application. I tried spraying the stuff into my palm and applying it with a brush. It didn’t get on with my brush and so I decided to blend it with my fingers, but at this point it had started setting again so it sort of peeled away from my skin.
I tried to capture the 'peeling' above, but I'm not sure I really got it! You get the general overall effect of unevenness though - that's not my skin - that's the foundation flaking away in the weirdest possible way. On the plus side I bet Aero Minerale would be long wearing, because I had to double cleanse to get rid of the stuff. Also there’s a primer, a sparkly blusher and a bronzer if you're into it.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a wall to re-paint.
Has anyone else ever tried this stuff? And is there a spray foundation out there that really works?