A Little Heads-up On a New Brand - Yes to Carrots

yes to carrots

Oh gals, have we got news for you! You read it here first - fab, fresh and fun brand Yes To Carrots is about to hit our shores! A massive hit in its native Israel, it's already swept America, and now it's heading our way.

Aphrodite and I have tried a few products from the range, and we're really excited about it. There's a lot to like about this range - great formulations, packed full of beta-carotene - an anti-oxidant that's a boon for skin and hair - plus the properties of Dead Sea mud, which is cleansing, purifying and and contains no less than 26 minerals. Woo! The range is daycently priced, making it very affordable, and it's not just skincare - nope, there are products for body, hands and hair too. With sharp packaging, soft smells and organic ingredients, we're looking forward to getting our paws on more from this range in pharmacies nationwide soon. Some of you lucky lasses might not have to wait - stay tuned and we'll be running a competition really soon.


And, lastly - Yes to Carrots use handsome men in their advertising! I do declare, gals - is this brand made for beaut.ie, or what?

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