By Christ, people, new Soap and Glory goodies are feckin' bursting out all over! There are TONS of great new things on offer, and I'm going to tease you by refusing to reveal all right now. Yup, you'll have to check back to see the rest of the goods, but today I'm a-gonna show you their three new shower washes. Their three new, very reasonably priced shower washes, I should say. 500ml of each comes in at a mere €7.50!
You can choose from The Clean of England, a blend of sweet orange oil, organge fruit extract, sugar cane, lemon and sugar maple; Jam Session, loaded with blueberry oil and Wash Almighty, a refreshin' sounding blend of eucalyptus, rosemary, chocolate (!), mint and thyme.
Keep your eyes peeled - these should appear in a Boots near you very shortly indeed.