Having acne is no joke. As someone who suffered with it all through my teens and into my 20s and 30s, I can attest to that. And I can empathise with anyone who is (or was) in the same boat.
At best, it’s a nuisance you learn to live with, treat and keep your fingers crossed that it will improve and eventually go away. At worst it can serve as a total blow to your confidence on a daily basis.
A lot of people ask me how I became a makeup artist and aside from the creative aspect of it - which I love - learning how to make skin look better/healthier was a huge part of it. I've always loved working with people and seeing them visibly more confident afterwards. It’s so rewarding.
As with most skin conditions, there are varying degrees of severity when it comes to acne. But, no matter what, here are a few universal truths I think we can all identify with.
- The fear – special occasion coming up? Big meeting? This is exactly the time you’ll get a breakout of epic proportions no matter how much water you’re drinking. Sigh…
- We live in hope for that one, cure-all wonder product that actually works, please don't mention old wives' tales about toothpaste and lemon juice. We've tried them and they don't work.
- We all have a friend who cries wolf. Look, I’m sorry but having perfect skin 99.9% of the year and then one spot on an off day, does not mean you understand what it’s like. But thanks for trying.
- Concealer is the best thing in the world! Especially if it’s a slightly yellow tone as this helps to neutralise the redness of spots for a more natural coverage.
- The feeling that everyone is looking at your skin rather than looking at you. You know it's probably not the case, but you can't help thinking it.
- The fear of being called Pizza Face by the kid sitting across from you on a bus. Maybe that's just a personal one to me, though. (Seriously, it actually happened when I was younger.)
- We all know you shouldn’t poke/prod/squeeze but it’s nearly impossible not to. No one knows self-restraint quite like someone with a humdinger of a spot that's taunting them.
- Acne scarring is as fun as it sounds.
- The dream? To be able to wake up on a Sunday, throw on some clothes and run to the shop for breakfast without needing a full face of foundation/concealer/powder.
- The elation of a good skin day. When you feel like phoning everyone up to see who's free for drinks and stock up on selfies for future use.
Do you identify with any of these too? Have I missed any out?
Do let me know down in the comments!