Brought to you by Kildare Village
Kildare Village is hosting a number of exclusive beauty events this week. There will be pop-ups, discounts on cult brands, and lots of in-store offers.
Taking care of your skin this winter goes beyond products you can purchase. There are many lifestyle changes you can make that will strengthen your skin and leave you feeling radiant!
1. Don’t crank up the heat
Going from the cold outdoors to a warm atmosphere can be harsh on the skin. Try keeping your home at a cooler, but comfortable setting. Too much heat will only dry your skin up more.
2. Get yourself a humidifier
Even with a warm, rather than hot, indoor environment, buying a humidifier for the upcoming winter is always a smart move to add that additional layer of moisturiser.
3. Use less hot water
While one might think the only solution to rehydrating the skin is to soak in as much water as possible, this will only dry the skin out more, especially if the water is hot and soapy. Instead, try to limit yourself to shorter baths or showers. Preferably aim for 10 minutes or less. This will prevent any additional stripping of the protective oils that layer your skin.
4. Drink more water
If your skin is dry, that is your body telling you it is thirsty. So drink more water! At the same time, be cautious about your alcohol, caffeine, or coffee intake, which are common drinks that will dehydrate you all over again.
5. Change your diet
In addition to drinking more water, there are also foods you should add, or take away, from your current diet. Fatty fish, such as salmon or tuna, contain a greater amount of fatty acids, which help retain moisture. Other foods to add to your diet include nuts, avocados, and cucumbers; all healthy and prevent dry skin! Some key foods to exclude from your diet this winter season would include anything with a significantly high amount of sugar or salt.
6. Wear softer clothing
While it is getting colder, you may want to put on thick wool jumpers or scarves, but the wool can irritate dry skin. It’s best to also avoid polyester. The best choice to make would be a nice soft, breathable, cotton fabric.
7. Wear gloves while washing the dishes
While we suggest you invest in some good hand cream like the L'Occitane range, you should also mind your hands while washing dishes! This, ideally, should be a year-round habit to protect the hands! It is especially beneficial if your hands are proving to be more dry than usual in the winter. Similar to how hot baths or showers could rip the protective layer of oils off of your skin, regularly hand washing the dishes in a sink filled with hot water will have the same effect on your hands. Go out and buy some easy and cheap rubber gloves to leave by your sink!
Have you got any more tips for beautiful winter skin? We'd love to hear from you! Get in touch on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.