Gals in the hair-know head to Hersheson hairdressers in London when they're over on shopping trips, and the company even has a blow bar in Topshop on Oxford Circus. They've also been making media waves (baaadddmm-tssch) with their Permanent Gloss treatment, or as it's better known, the permanent blowdry. Of course, in beauty terms, permanent is a concept that's stretched to shattering point, but you should get a couple of months out of it.
On this side of the Irish sea, Dylan Bradshaw is now offering the service, calling it the 12 Week Blowdry. It's not an entirely new concept, but nothing beats repackaging an existing treatment to suit a trend, and Lynnie told us all about some of the options recently. What's different about the Bradshaw take? They're being a bit more honest about the longevity, for starters, which is refreshing, and the price seems decent too: from €200, compared to £200 in the UK.
A small word of warning: beauty editor Helen Brown, Edwina Ings-Chambers' predecessor at the the Sunday Times Style magazine, wrote about her experiences with the Hersheson treatment last September. After an initial positive start, she found her hair felt lifeless and lank as the weeks wore on. As Brown points out, even though this treatment contains natural ingredients, it's still a chemical process, and can cause harm to hair.
Dylan Bradshaw, 5 Johnson’s Place, Dublin 2, 01 671 9353, www.dylanbradshaw.ie