It's that time of year again; the sun is shining, the cocktails are flowing, and the Beautie Awards nominations are coming out.
Every summer, the team here at Beaut.ie compile a list of what we think are the most worthy beauty products we've used over the past 12 months. They can be brand new, or they can be old classics, the main concern is that they work. But at the end of the day, there can only be one winner of each Beautie Awards category - and you decide who wins.
This year, we're bringing it all back to beauty. Full stop. There will be four categories: Skincare, Bodycare, Haircare, and Makeup with so many individual categories if we listed them all here the sun would be down when you finished reading!
Voting will open tomorrow, so keep your notifications ON.
To get you in the mood, see all the fun from last year's awards ceremony here!