Girls World: Party time, excellent. The crappest toy ever - but we all wanted one

Girls World: Party time, excellent. The crappest toy ever - but we all wanted one
By  | May 13, 2010

As we were taking our little trip down nostalgia lane yesterday I remembered a particular plastic horror that we had in the house.

Don't you remember the head that you could pull the hair out of? As Old Mr Brennan would say "I could never forget".

We had wanted a Girls World SO much and begged and begged for it coming up to Christmas. In the end our aunt took pity on us and sent one to us. The excitement!

The nylon hair in the middle of the head could be yanked out to make it longer and this then led to cutting and "styling" opportunities to make it look only fabulous. And you could practice putting makeup on the plastic face. Why it was like having one's own beauty salon.


Well it never worked out quite like that did it?

Ours was was mutilated beyond belief, the hair cut so short in stood up from the head in spikes and a graffiti of mashed up lipstick smeared all over its face. In the end it was tossed into the back of a wardrobe where it lay unloved for many years.

Everyone had one though - and they still sell them today. Own up - how many of you perpetrated Girls World Abuse?