Beaut.ie on Xpose! Yes that's roighhhh. For this very eve Aisling O'Loughlin (we're loving the short hairdo missus) will discuss matters of importance with myself.
Now let us divide the world into two types of laydee. If you're reading this post
- Before 6pm
Then you're a Beaut.iealcoholic anyway and we hope you will tune in at 6pm for our 3mins of fame! For Jaysus there can never be enough Beaut.ie eh?
- After 6
Then you're very welcome to Beaut.ie! We're deleria to meet you and hang on a sec while we pour the wine. Now, that's better. Lets get straight down to the good stuff - talking about makeup and skincare and generally gossiping - maybe we could tempt you to a canape course of Deadly Dozen - to find out what we get up to every week. Blathering more your style? Be our guest. How about reading our product reviews? And perhaps you'd like to finish up on the Forums and see what's happening on the Swap Siopa?
UPDATE: Missed it? Watch it here:
Beaut.ie on Xpose