Crab Gets into Audrey's Bag

This week the crab is scuttling into Audrey's makeup bag. "I am addicted to bright coloured eye stuff but am trying to tone it down", she tells us, but the crab is SCANDALISED! Tone it down, indeed! Get away out of that, missis.
- Benefit make up bag- I got this free when i bought 2 things in the shop in London! Its pretty small so it means a lot of chopping and changing in the mornings but overall i like it.
- Pout Foundation-Shade:Honey- I'm ginger and pale with lots of freckles and this is the only foundation ive found which doesnt cover up all my freckles and make me look like a mental.
- Pout Illuminator- After Glow-gives a lovely beachy sun kissed look that i could never get in real sun:)
- Benefit Realness of Concealness-a life saver
- Pout Concealer- Shade: Peek-a-Boo-can cover up my dark circles like no-ones business
- Benefit Benetint and Gloss- so handy and small.
- Bad Gal Lash in Black-I've used many but i love love love this one.
- Bad Gal Lash in Blue- bought for the same reason as above.
- Urban Decay Eyeshadow Transforming Potion- turns any eyeshadow in a fab eyeliner.Usually lasts for ages too. It also means I can rock the Lily Allen looks with the bright colours!
- Bad Gal Eyeliner Pencil (BLACK)-the biggest and the best.
- Mac Eyeliner Pencil (Smooth Blue)-adds a little kick to my green is super long lasting.
- Mac Liquidlast liner (Blue Horizon and Aqualine)-gorgeous colours but are a bugger to get off..
- Mac Eyeshadow (Velvet)-one of my two current favourites. Looks lovely when used with the urban decay thing transformation potion thing.
- Urban Decay eyeshadow (Grafitti)-hunted down after seeing Kirstie with it on. Finally tracked it down after Aphrodite's campaign to get the counters cleaned up and well worth the wait!
This is the crab's kinda makeup bag. Plus, his magic eyes on their wavy stalks spied the copy of The Bust Guide to the New Girl Order, hovering up there above the slap, and he heartily approves. Go Audrey!