5 Favourite Fashion Pieces From 2014

5 Favourite Fashion Pieces From 2014
By Beaut.ie  | Jan 19, 2015

I've been writing for Beaut.ie for about six months now, and I cannot tell you what a pleasure it is to share the dynamic world that is style with you. Everything about fashion is moving; from trends to cuts to colours, and it's a hard one to keep on top of.

Thankfully working in the industry full time helps me to keep my finger on the pulse! There have been so many highlights from the year, and what better way to kick off a new season in 2015 with a little edit of my favourite posts from 2014. And of course we know that fashion likes to be cyclical so who knows that we might see re appear this year too. So don't throw anything out just yet.

And so to my favs, and in no particular order:

Oh Hey Cara!

Ah, it's like Christmas to me. In fact, it's my favourite time of the year. London has fast become the fashion capital of the world, and our own Irish designers recognise this as we see Simone Rocha and JW Anderson lead the fash-pack on the international stage that is LFW. It's exciting, it's people, it's catwalks and plenty of fabulous models!


The bit you don't see in the pics are the parts where you are soaked to the bone in your high heels and cashmere coat running from show to show and battling the crowds at the tube station.

It all started with Burberry and THAT cape.

We saw the model army strut down the catwalk adorn in monogrammed capes and suddenly we all wanted one. Cara, Rosie and Olivia all rocked theirs over the last season, and it led a huge high street trend. Layered over coats and leather jackets, the cape crusade was the most talked about trend of 2014.

And fear not, it will return so hold onto yours for another season or two. Wink.


One of the most popular posts in fashion on beaut was all about the ankle boot. Our footwear staple, it keeps your feet dry and they are bang on trend all year round. If you invest in a pair, then I hope you continue to wear them as we battle this bitterly cold weather.

And if you want to update them for January and into the beginning of spring, be bold and wear with slouched shin-length socks. Trust me it's all over the magazines as the one footwear accessory to behold. Yep, it's return of the humble sock!

Sticking with our love for footwear for a second, La Palermo led another hit trend over 2014: the over the knee boot. The winning style had to be the €24 pair from Penneys (that I own in grey and black) that were a complete sell out over the end of 2014.


But how we style them was a key factor as to whether we mere mortals bought into the trend or not. My key styling tip was to go with black leggings and almost make the boot part of your clothing. It worked and with a big chunky knit, the look was a winner! And you know how we love polls at Beaut and this one led t a bit a of debate.

The results!

Stealing celeb style might be my favourite past-time. I can't tell you how many hours on Saturday afternoons I spent trawling Pinterest looking for style inspiration. But one of my favourites in 2014 was Kate Moss. La Moss. You know I love her.

Her style is effortless and intrinsic. It's like she doesn't even have to think about it; she probably doesn't in fairness. She gets it right every time and no other icon inspires me as much. Here's to you Kate dah-ling.

So beauties, did you have a favourite fashion post (you'll find our dedicated fashion section right here)? Or is there something you would love us to chat about on the fashion pages in 2015? Share your thoughts, you are amongst friends.