5 gorgeous winter day dresses that aren't black OR red

5 gorgeous winter day dresses that aren't black OR red
By Miriam Burke  | Nov 16, 2017

These winter day dresses aren't burgundy, green, grey or black based floral neither

Winter clothes shades are rather muted. Rarely, people wear summery dresses at this time of year. It's a natural reaction to the short days and lack of sunshine. But not everyone wants to wear a dark shade every day.

I bought a dress from iClothing recently that I liked for its 1930s but sexy silhouette. I had hoped to wear it to a wedding this December but when I tried it on I realised that I would look like I went to sleep in May and only woke up that morning. Of course, you can wear light colours in winter, but, like, psychology tells us that a summer dress is a summer dress; worn in winter, it looks weird.

Shades like blue and red and to a certain green, and their cousin colours, navy, burgundy and teal and the like can look bright when compared to the 50 shades of winter grey. These five fabulous frocks are a little bit different, though, And yeah, you can probably wear them off-season, too.

Final note: tights.

Mango €69.95


Topshop YAS €84

& Other Stories €89

Zara €49.95

Warehouse €61