3 stylish puffer jackets you need right now because it's feckin' freezing out

3 stylish puffer jackets you need right now because it's feckin' freezing out
By Miriam Burke  | Nov 7, 2016

The words 'stylish' and 'puffer jackets' aren't a common match. However, this year puffers have moved up in the fashion world.

Where once they were bought solely for their warmth, these puffer jackets are ones you can wear over your fancy party outfit. They even look fine with heels. They look best, though, with jeans, boots and a determined smile.

Lookit, at this stage it's not even that cold, but we're feeling it and we're anticipating much frostier temps. Your old long, black, bulky coat won't cut it this year, not when these beauts are on the scene.


Topshop €155

Warehouse €103