When is weight loss not... a big poo?

When is weight loss not... a big poo?
By Beaut.ie  | Feb 11, 2013

Niamh* shut the bathroom door triumphantly behind her and announced with jubilation:


After a week of food based denial and ten minutes teetering on the bathroom scales in the nip to achieve the best result possible, she was proud and wanted congratulations.

But she didn't get them.

"Kieran*!  Why are you laughing?  What's so funny?"

"Drink a glass of water and that'll be back on" he scoffed.  "Two and a half pounds?  Sure do a big poo and there's your weight lost."


"What!" spluttered Niamh.  "This is NOT the result of a big poo.  This is the result of diet and exercise! And HARD WORK"

But as she flounced into the bedroom and flung herself on the bed, she wondered.   And in her heart grew a cold fear.  Four pounds now.  Four pounds no one could take away from you and say it was... oh she hated Kieran!

But one or two pounds?  Everyone knows that if they teeter around on the scales they can knock off at least half a pound, if not a pound, depending on the scales

How many pounds does it take for you to celebrate weight loss?  Or do you just go by your clothes and never weigh yourself?

*Names have been changed to protect identities