Why women all around the country are wearing their wedding dresses to work today

Why women all around the country are wearing their wedding dresses to work today
By Andrea  | Sep 21, 2016

Wedding dresses are coming out of storage boxes for #WeddingDressWednesday

You can expect to see a confetti of wedding dresses right across the land today. Women are lending their support to Today FM's 'Dare to Care' campaign, the aim of which is to raise money for the Irish Cancer Society.

So if you see someone swanning into work/around the vegetable aisle/working out on the treadmill in their wedding dress, there is a good reason behind it. The radio station is encouraging women to open up those bridal storage boxes that live under the bed. And they are asking people to sponsor these brides as they go about their daily business in satin and tulle.

You can check out their progress up the supermarket aisle and more by following the hashtag #WeddingDressWednesday.


You can show your support by texting DARE to 50300. And if you are wearing your wedding dress in work today, we'd love to see it!