Twitter Loved Dennis Quaid Mispronouncing Saoirse's Name

Twitter Loved Dennis Quaid Mispronouncing Saoirse's Name
By  | Dec 11, 2015

It was 5am over there, and he'd managed to get himself suited and booted, which is something. And, for someone who's not Irish, it IS a really hard name to pronounce. I did the junket for The Lovely Bones yonks ago, and had to hold a tutorial in the press holding room detailing how to pronounce it. There, faced with a slew of multinational reporters, I repeatedly said "Seeersha. Just say 'Seeersha'.  Obviously nobody afforded Dennis Quaid the same luxury.

Anyway, behold Dennis Quaid's quality 'Travolta Moment'

It could've been worse. It could've been Saaaiwrrrsee? But "Sheesha" comes a close second. Twitter was never going to let him get away with that...


Have you an unpronounceable Irish name? Any memorable interpretations?