Pooch's Recreation of Anna Kendrick's Insta is Weirdly Wonderful

Pooch's Recreation of Anna Kendrick's Insta is Weirdly Wonderful
By Beaut  | Aug 10, 2015

Aside from the whole acting thing, Anna Kendrick's known for her Instagram and her consistent and constant updating of it.

Sure enough, it's won her over 3.9 MILLION followers on the thing so she's obviously doing something right. However, one of her fans is Tuna.

Tuna is a dog. And sure enough, the dog's set out to recreate her entire Instagram feed with the help of professional photographers and bad Photoshop design.

Take a look.


Dogs. Anna Kendrick. Instagram. We don't see the connection but it's a cute little fella.

It's the world we live in, people. And dammit, we love it.

Are you as oddly fascinated by this as we are?