Office Appropriate: What do You Keep in Your Desk?

Office Appropriate: What do You Keep in Your Desk?
By  | Jul 17, 2009

Since we're all about boss-friendly slap this week (don't worry, I'll find a ton of ludicrous shennanigans for you to all slather on come Monday), I thought we'd round out the week with a dig in our desk drawers.

While I work from home now, when I was office-bound my desk receptacles were not lovingly filled with carefully organised packets of tissues, safety pins and an emergency makeup kit. No. No they were not.

Oh no, dear reader, they were likely to be stuffed full of empty crisp packets, used bus tickets, old copies of Heat, all topped off with a leaking Bic biro and a smattering of poppy seeds, discarded from my bagel habit.


So, are any of us organised? Do you have a beauty/maintenance kit at work, and if so, does it contain any of the following?

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