New look Barbies are here & they're a LOT different

New look Barbies are here & they're a LOT different
By Fiona Flynn  | Jan 28, 2016

Barbie has been knocking around now since 1959 (and isn't she looking well for it?), however the doll has been getting a lot of slack in recent years for it being an unrealistic representation of what a woman looks like, which it is. Her waist is four inches thinner than her head for crying out loud.

After a pretty dodgy looking curvy Barbie a few years ago, the company has stepped up to the plate and launched a whole new range of Barbies, from curvy to petite to tall, while they also now have up to seven skin tones and 22 different eye colours.

In a statement, senior vice president and global general manager for Barbie Evelyn Mazzocco said, "We are excited to literally be changing the face of the brand — these new dolls represent a line that is more reflective of the world girls see around them — the variety in body type, skin tones and style allows girls to find a doll that speaks to them."

About time, we say!

Check them out below...


Meet Petite Barbie...

Tall Barbie...

And Curvy Barbie, who genuinely looks so cool we want her to be real so we can be friends with her.


So far the reaction has been mostly positive;

She even made the cover of Time.

And lest we forget, not all fellas are G.I Joes either...