Mother Daughter Bonding: Katie Holmes & Suri Lash on the Make Up

Mother Daughter Bonding: Katie Holmes & Suri Lash on the Make Up
By  | Mar 27, 2015

Here is a master class in 'sharenting' a la Katie Holmes. She posted this cute pic on Instagram of her applying her makeup with her little daughter joining in on the fun. We used to love these moments when we were childers. 

Speaking of her relationship with her 8-year-old daughter, Suri, Holmes told Today back in August: "The most important thing for me is letting her know how proud I am and her accomplishments mean everything... Whatever I do is whatever. It's really just about her. That's what I think is most important."


Back to 'Sharenting'. It's a very personal thing, but more and more people seem to be sharing photos of their kids on social media. It's a nice way of keeping relatives overseas in the loop, but will the kids thank us for it when they're older?

What's your opinion on sharing pics of your kids on social media? In this day and age, when everyone is doing it, can it be excused?