Modern Family's Ariel Winter inspires with body shaming retaliation

Modern Family's Ariel Winter inspires with body shaming retaliation
By  | Jun 23, 2016

Modern Family star Ariel Winter had the best response to a bunch of a-holes who recently commented on her graduation party outfit.

Winter's no wallflower when it comes to putting trolls back in their place and we love her for it. After a string of nasty comments, Winter took to Twitter with a series of zingers.

"Dear sorry body-shamers, I looked HOT in that dress. And if you hate it, don't buy it. But please get a hobby. XOXO Ariel #EmbraceYourBody."

"Embrace all that you are. Don't let those outside voices become your inner voice #mychoice #loveyourcurves."


"Know your value. Remember who you are. Love yourself," she tweeted. "You're perfect #stoptheshaming."
