Meet Leonardo DiCaprio's latest lady friend...

Meet Leonardo DiCaprio's latest lady friend...
By | Feb 26, 2016

Leonardo split from Sports Illustrated model Kelly Rohrbach (who's since landed a role in The Rock's Baywatch movie) back in December, so it's about time he unveiled the latest model. Yes, she's a model. Here is just some of her more recent work.

The 24-year-old has been previously linked to Joey Essex, while Leo was reportedly wooing Laura Whitmore at a BAFTA afterparty.


According to The Daily Beast: "While Horner and DiCaprio apparently met several years ago in Los Angeles, they reached peak levels of coziness this month at London’s Chiltern Firehouse, where they were spotted out together on two consecutive nights. In the wake of Chiltern-gate, the 24-year-old cryptically tweeted, “You can’t have a friend in the industry without people assuming it’s more than that…it’s a joke,” and then subsequently deleted her tweet. I guess Insta-Roxy has a lot of “industry” friends. Leave it to good ol’ Roxy to keep us guessing!" Fix: The most popular stories of the week!

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Perfect with a cup of tea and a plate of biscuits. Or a left over pancake.