Am I Roaming Now? "Things Irish People Say On Holidays" scarily accurate

Am I Roaming Now?  "Things Irish People Say On Holidays" scarily accurate
By  | Aug 20, 2013

Video creator Tropperstopper  has shown himself to have a bit of a gift when it comes to lamping our Oirish idiosyncrasies. He previously gave us the wonders that are "Things Irish Parents Say" Parts 1 and 2, which my friends and I quote almost daily.

And in this gem he takes a searing look at he carry on of us abroad and the things that we might be saying when we phone home.  Set in a generic holiday apartment, highlights include one poor sod's struggle with the heat,  the constant checking up on the weather at home and our obsession with phone charges: "AM I ROAMING NOW? IS THIS ROOOAMING?"


Give the vid a watch - and see how very accurate it is.