Kristen Bell and hubby Dax do Toto's 'Africa'...

Kristen Bell and hubby Dax do Toto's 'Africa'...
By  | Jan 28, 2016

This makes a nice change, you know, considering Toto's original video took place in a library. To clarify, the below project was shot before Kristen and Dax had kids; there'd be slim opportunity to do this otherwise.

Posting the below to youtube last night, Kristen and Dax (who was indeed separated from Zach Braff at birth) said: "This was our last trip before having kids. Our sole objective was to rage hard and honor Toto properly. Hope you enjoy :)"

And enjoy we did... They've gots the MOVES. And didn't at all unnerve the locals.


To see how this version compares to the original... well, there is no comparison.