Kim Kardashian in Optical Illusion Dress: so not fat

Kim Kardashian in Optical Illusion Dress: so not fat
By  | Jan 14, 2011

You know, I think we spend waaay too much time on the Daily Mail site, because it's constantly making us choke with rage over something or other. Perhaps one of our New Years Resolutions should be to never ever read it again.

But we can't seem to stop.

The latest "story" that annoyed the hell out of me wasn't really the actual piece, which compared pictures of Kim Kardashian and Posh Spice wearing the same dress. The Daily Mail are obsessed with KK - hardly a day goes by that doesn't see an excuse to publish a set of "Kim pours her curves into tiny bikini/tiny dress/tiny shorts" pictures.

Posh in same dress

But it was some of the comments after this one that really made me despair.


"Kim is fat and therefore easier to aspire to than skinny Victoria. Pathetic. Its not gonna change the fat that being slim and healthy is always more attractive than being large and unhealthy. Theres a thin line between curvy and healthy (like Jessica Biel forexample) and being big like Kim!"

"kim is a fat cow!!!! and i'm not joking!"

"KK looks fat and dumpy in VB's creation. The dress is not made for women with big bottems! Does she own a mirror?"

And more and more and more pig ignorant comments. Which led me to wonder who these idiots actually were? Had they actually ever seen a fat person? And what were THEIR figures like?

My opinion? Kim looks drop dead gorgeous. She's like a friggin super heroine. She looks like Jessica Rabbit. Is it any wonder we've got cultural body image problems.

What do you think?

Another pic of fatso

All images via Daily Mail