Internet falls in love with Ingrid Hook on The Ray D'Arcy Show

Internet falls in love with Ingrid Hook on The Ray D'Arcy Show
By Beaut  | Jan 11, 2016

For those who listen to George Hook's daily show on Newstalk, you'll know that he often refers to his wife as "The Lovely Ingrid."

We love that after so many years of marriage, Hook still does this and, of course, it's become a sort of running joke for both guests, contributors and even listeners alike.

However, not that many people have even heard or seen Ingrid - until Saturday night, that is. Ray D'Arcy had Hook and his wife on the show to discuss, well, their courtship and how they got together.

Take a look.

Of course, Twitter responded to the Lovely Ingrid's droll sense of humour and the fact that she has to put up with George Hook on a daily basis.


Some, however, thought Ingrid was just a little too cold.

Whatever you think, one thing's certain - that woman needs her own show because last night's interview was one of the most entertaining Ray D'Arcy's done since the show started.

Were you watching on Saturday night?

Via Twitter