Harry Styles Has a Doppelgänger - and it's a Girl

Harry Styles Has a Doppelgänger - and it's a Girl
By Beaut.ie  | Jun 30, 2015

Harry Styles would be even prettier if he ever let anyone near him with a blusher brush. If the below pictures are anything to go by, he should really consider it *swoons*

The person who made this startling (if a little obvious) realisation that his girlfriend was in fact Harry Styles in drag was one Abdul. He is now a twitter legend (i.e. this picture has had in the region of 15,000 retweets). And, yes, in case you were wondering, he is indeed a One Direction fan.


PS: In case you're very confused by the Harry Pic, that is Styles on the left of the collage by all accounts. Someone who previously had a burning desire to see him in make up got busy with a photo editing package.

Via Cosmopolitan