The Harley Quinn cosplayer who looks so much like Margot Robbie it's almost scary

The Harley Quinn cosplayer who looks so much like Margot Robbie it's almost scary
By  | Sep 15, 2016

Regardless of your opinion on Suicide Squad, one thing that people were pretty unanimous about was that Margot Robbie killed it as Harley Quinn.

Her portrayal of 'Daddy's Little Monster' has won her praise from critics and fans alike . Now, it has inspired a huge amount of cosplay from DC fans. We've seen a good few efforts at this stage but Australian girl Laura's effort is the most convincing yet. Wait, Margot Robbie is Australian. Have we missed something..?

It probably helps that Laura looks a lot like Robbie even when not in Harley Quinn cosplay.


Via Buzzfeed