Girls Run the World: Five Simple Steps to Get You Off the Couch and On the Run

Girls Run the World: Five Simple Steps to Get You Off the Couch and On the Run
By  | Sep 2, 2014

Now that the kids are back to school, festival season is, alas, no more, we're in a bit of a 'let's get our sh*t together' kinda mood. We've got roughly three months (gah!) before party season kicks off and we feel it's time to get moving. Some people take up intense gym sessions with one to one personal training, while others go hell for leather at some terrifying boot camp during which some nasty marine will take great pleasure in your fear and pain.

But we're going to opt for something rather simple. We're going to run.

If you've been struggling to get yourself from the couch to even just a few kilometers, we're here to help. Here are our top tips for getting started.

  • Dress to impress (yourself)

As silly as it sounds, there's nothing quite as motivating as having some deadly gym gear to get you up off your derrière. We recently wrote a piece on the best sportswear your money can buy, from budget right through to blow out. Get reading, this is your first port of call. Knowing you look the part might well help you feel the porte And having the motivation to put it to good use is half the battle.

Top Tip: To save yourself any unwanted injuries, invest in a pair of runners that are suited perfectly to your own feet and how you run. This is very easily done in a store like Runways on Parnell Street where your gait is measured on a treadmill to suss out what type of running shoe will give you the best support.

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  • Turn it up

Get yourself a decent playlist. Having something decent to listen to not only puts you in a better mood while your run, but it also distracts you which allows for your mind to wander away from pounding the pavement (which we'll admit, can get a little boring). And different beats change up your tempo, allowing for a more varied workout. Sure be sure to mix your playlist up with music that is high energy and music that you know always puts a smile on your face, even if it's slow.

  • Take it slow

The most common mistake to make when you're starting to run is to go far too fast, far too soon. You want to build your stamina by running for as long as you can at a pace that you find comfortable. Until you've done a bit of distance training - longer and slower - you'll run out of steam and feel all kinds of crap when you start sprinting for your life.

  • Set goals

If you set out to complete a 5 k course, make sure you do it, even if you have to walk for parts. This way you'll give yourself something to work towards and be proud of when you eventually and inevitably do it all without stopping. Running aimlessly without knowing where you're going or the distance you're covering won't lead to very much satisfaction or an awareness of how you're doing.

  • Get yourself a running partner

Sometimes this is very hard as you'll likely have busy and conflicting schedules, but if you can find even an hour a week to run with a partner, you'll soon reap the benefits. Running alongside someone gives you company, makes it far more fun and it can also allow for your competitive streak to come out. You won't want to stop because someone is counting on you, and vice versa. Running partners make for the best kind of motivation because you're in it together, counting on on another.

Have you any more tips to share? How did you get from the couch to 5K? We'd love to hear your thoughts!