Fill up those beakers and Raise them on Robinsons

Fill up those beakers and Raise them on Robinsons
By  | Jul 6, 2007

Last week Robinsons organised a special event at the Buff Day Spa. The hydration levels of all of the attendees were measured and relaxing hydration treatments were carried out. Ah, bliss.

Unfortunately I couldn't go - bah! I had to do something else (go to the dentist - can you believe it - typical!) And I was all excited about the pedicure I was booked in for. Ah well, never mind - I still found out all the hydration facts for kids Robinsons have unearthed.

Basically Robinsons, the makers of the nicest juices and squashes there are, have been conducting some research into hydration levels in the children of this green and pleasant land. And they've found out some very interesting factoids.

We all know as adults, how important it is to drink enough water. And juice. Now even though it's Wineday, I'm talking about drinks that actually HYDRATE, instead of making you so dehydrated that you will stumble out of bed into the bathroom and slurp out of the tap (bathroom water ugh), to slake your raging thirst at four in the morning. After one wine too many. Know the one that's one too many. Hah. Oh I do know that one alright - it's the next five that seem to cause all the problems.


Anyway back to the wholesome subject of children and their hydration needs.

  • Children need to drink 6-8 glasses of water or juices a day. Most children drink less than three.
  • Children don't tend to feel as thirsty as adults when they're dehydrated - so they won't necessarily ask for drinks when they need them.
  • Children are much more active than us adults, usually spending their days in a frenzy of activity that makes me tired even watching them. So it's even more important for them to get enough to drink.
  • If we ever do get any hot weather (which is debatable, as at this stage hopes are flagging), it will be even more important to keep an eye on the kids to make sure they're drinking enough.
  • While water is of course an excellent source of hydration it can actually fill children up before they've drunk enough. Squash and juice are absorbed more slowly, so children will drink more and so voluntarily hydrate better. Plus they taste nicer!

So janey mary, I'm convinced. Get that squash into those nippers!