Fairy on the Christmas Tree: Glam it Up With Shiny Sparkly Accessories Earrings, Bracelets, Neckpieces, Rings, Shoes, Belts, Bags

Fairy on the Christmas Tree: Glam it Up With Shiny Sparkly Accessories Earrings, Bracelets, Neckpieces, Rings, Shoes, Belts, Bags
By Beaut.ie  | Dec 12, 2012

Never overdo accessories, as simple is always the most elegant. It was the uber chic Coco Chanel who told us that when dressing to go out, you should look at yourself in the mirror – a full length one of course - and remove one item. A good rule as many of us do tend to over accessorise.

Can you imagine what this very French, very sophisticated woman would think of us Irish girls going out at Christmas? Which do you think would offend her sensibilities more – the pound of makeup with smoky eye, red lippy (actually she would probably approve of that one!) the fun manicure (which could not be further from a French manicure) the glittery shadow or the novelty flashing earrings and the Santa hat?

It may be the season of sparkle and glitter but Christmas sure ain’t classy.

Although I cannot, cannot condone the novelty earrings. The only person who can do that is my mother. And only on Christmas day. And only because we buy them for her.

There are lots and lots of lovely sparkly accessories in the shops but remember there are also lots of sparkly clothes too, so don’t overdo it. If you are already wearing a full length sequined dress and glittery shoes, then take it easy with the bling. If you have a shiny, glamorous dress, go for few low key accessories, but if you have a simple dress then you can add a few more eye catching ones.



I adore earrings and prefer to wear big ones or long ones rather than neckpieces. There are some amazing ones out there and you should go really sparkly for Christmas. And get yourself lots of fake diamonds; they look great as studs for day or as chandelier earrings at night.


A neckpiece can make or break your outfit. It is a great way to draw attention to your upper body so find one that compliments your dress and your neckline. If your neckline is low cut, go for a simple short string neckpiece or one that dips into your cleavage. If your dress is not a light fabric, go for a chunkier necklace. Wear lots and lots of similar ones together for a really cool look.



When you can’t wear long earrings or a neckpiece, then pile on the bracelets. They look really well if you have short sleeves. If you have statement earrings or a neckpiece make sure you are not overdoing it by adding bracelets. Or rings.

Dress Rings

These rings can add extra glam to your dress. They work wonders for dresses with a high neckline where necklaces are not an option. You can wear a statement ring with long earrings for a really elegant look.



A pretty brooch is a really cool addition to any dress. A big blinging one will look great with a dark dress and a bright dress can take a contrasting colour. They look best if you are not wearing a neckpiece Go big.


This year’s coolest accessory for sure is the belt, you can put one over dresses and tunic tops and coats to totally rev up the look of an outfit from last year. Do the same with your party dress and give it an update.


Clutch Bags

The clutch is the best party bag for Christmas. It is small in size but is bang on trend, and you can still fit your keys, phone and lipstick in it. If you are wearing a very dressy dress, go for a bold colour that matches or contrasts and if you are wearing a simple dress, then go crazy with clutches embellished with crystals, studs or sequins.

Killer Heels

Heels can make any body shape or size look sexy. If you hate heels then look out for sparkly pumps instead, or a dressy pair of ankle boots. You’ve got to be able to walk, dance and run for a taxi in them!

Happy shopping. I will be getting me some bling too!