Check Your Selfie: Bra Cam Aims to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

Check Your Selfie: Bra Cam Aims to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness
By  | Oct 2, 2014

Most people with boobs, even those of us who are not hugely endowed, have experienced strangers staring at that general area. But if you'd like to know just how many people are doing it every time you leave the house, a new breast cancer awareness ad will show you. The ad is shot from a "bra cam", worn by a woman as she goes about her business in London. And it shows that wherever she is, people can't stop looking at her breasts - not just men, but other women and, unsurprisingly when you think about it, babies.

The ad is part of a new campaign from the Nestlé Fitness cereal range called Check Your Selfie. "Your breasts are checked out every day," says the ad cheerily after a minute of footage of general gawping. "So when was the last time you checked your own?" Basically, the message is "people are constantly staring at your tits. Isn't that great? Reminding you of this will surely makes you feel more comfortable and not self-conscious at all. Anyway, why not do it yourself , just in case you have cancer!" Seriously, who the  hell thought this was a good idea?

The campaign's website then urges readers:

  Take a selfie starring you and your breasts (we call it a #CheckYourSelfie).
-  Upload your #CheckYourSelfie
-  Tag all your friends to remind them to check their breasts too.

I'm all in favour of encouraging women to be health conscious and check their breasts. But I am not at all sure that this is the best way to do it, and not just because I am very, very sceptical about Nestle's commitment to public health.


First of all, what the hell is a selfie "starring you and your breasts"? Is it any photo that shows you from the chest up, or do you have to, like, get your boobs out? And if I wanted to urge my friends to check their breasts, I think I'd just tell them rather than making them look at a wonky photo of my self.

But most of all, I think the ad itself is misjudged. I don't think women are particularly empowered by being reminded that everywhere they go, people are checking them out. And it certainly doesn't make me think "hmmm, I must do a breast exam."

So what do you think? Is the ad clever and funny or silly and off-putting? And are you going to do a #CheckYourSelfie?