Big Hair: Chantal Biya Brings the Bouffant

Big Hair: Chantal Biya Brings the Bouffant
By  | May 20, 2009

Feckin' forget Cheryl Cole - when it comes to Big Hair, Cameroon's first lady, Chantal Biya, is the undisputed queen.

Look at it! It's so massive Isambard Kingdom Brunel must have been involved somewhere along the line - I mean, there's no way Bumpits would suffice. Nope, I suspect there's some form of tungsten-engineered cantilever under all the stiff bouffant malarkey, and I don't even want to think about the damage she's doing to the ozone layer with her hairspray addiction.


Look at the pissed-off face on Sarah Brown, Gordon's missis. Well, I mean, she's not exactly bringing it with that limp, mousey 'do, is she?  No, really, it would really be best not to sit next to Mrs Biya if you were feeling in anyway less than hirsute-ly fabulous, and I think Sarah's just realised that in one crushing, volume-deflating blow.

Really, you've got to hand it to Chantal, for bravery, if nothing else. I do love a bit of OTT, and this lady's got it in spades.