Adele brings son to Disneyland dressed as Frozen princess
Listen, everyone already knows that Adele is one of the most grounded and soundest people on the planet, so the fact that she rocked around Disneyland with 3-year-old son Angelo dressed as Anna from Frozen isn't exactly surprising. In saying that, it's always refreshing to see celebs being 100% themselves during some much needed downtime. Adele gives middle finger to gender norms and lets her son dress up as Anna from Frozen to go to Disneyland — Sebastien De C (@Tiansito) February 16, 2016 1. Adele let her son dress up as Anna from Frozen. Amazing. 2. Peter is smiling cuz Disneyland — Marc (@MarcMonster) February 16, 2016 I'm not one for celeb gossip but Adele's 3 yr old son dressed up as Ana from Frozen when they went to Disneyland — Bry (@BryOnTour) February 17, 2016
Smash those gender barriers
Adele's son wearing whatever the f*ck he wants in an Anna from frozen dress. YES ðŸ'ÂðŸÂ½
— Kirsty MacIntyre (@plasticworldd) February 14, 2016
Unfortunately (yet sadly unsurprisingly) there has been negative feedback following the pictures circulation on twitter, but haters gonna hate etc.